Aduro LED Palm

15% di sconto


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48 in stock

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How Long does a treatment last?
We advise 1 treatment of 3 minutes every day. The most important thing to get results from light therapy is consistency.

How often can I use the Palm?
You can use the Palm daily. You can even layer and combine different treatment modes.

Can I use cosmetics with a treatment?
The Palm is designed to be used with your favourite cosmetics. Be careful not to use fatty substances (like creme) during the treatment, as they can block the LED light from reaching your skin and delay results.

FDA Cleared

The Aduro LED Palm is more than just a beauty device - it is a medical device cleared by the FDA, ensuring its safety and effectiveness. Its advanced technology offers three different options to cater to your specific skin needs.

Boost Collagen

Aduro single red is designed to combat signs of aging such as wrinkles and fine lines, while Aduro single blue helps to remedy acne breakouts and speed up the recovery process. The Aduro 2+1 option is specifically designed to treat skin imperfections and boost collagen and elastin production, resulting in smooth and revitalized skin.



  • Modalità 1: luce rossa + vicino all’infrarosso, ringiovanisce la pelle
  • Modalità 2: Luce blu + rossa, elimina l’acne e guarisce la pelle
  • Luce blu + rossa, elimina l’acne e cura la pelle
  • Trattamento di 20 minuti
  • Autorizzato dalla FDA per un uso sicuro ed efficace
  • Leggero e dal design ergonomico per un’applicazione versatile
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