Aduro Stories – Jessica

Hello Aduro,
I am Jessica, 23 years young, from Las Vegas, US. I hope you can publish my story for my $50 refund, which I am going to spend on another Palm device for my friend’s birthday present. About half a year ago, I was working at an exhibition in Las Vegas where you had a booth for Aduro LED therapy.
For about a year, my skin had been giving me troubles. I’d always had smooth skin, but suddenly, perhaps due to stress or the climate difference (I moved from Texas to Las Vegas), I started getting acne on the side of my face near my cheekbones. I tried everything, from cleansers to tonics and creams, but nothing was effective enough, and sometimes it even made things worse.
At your booth, there was a nice guy who explained to me that the Palm device could help me get rid of my problem. On the last day of the exhibition, I purchased the Palm and started using it immediately. I used it regularly every morning and evening on clean skin, and after two weeks, I could see a significant difference. The acne didn’t look as inflamed anymore; it seemed like it was under control.
Now, after six months, I only see some spots on my skin, the remnants of my acne. I still use the Palm, but not as frequently; I now use it more for the maintenance of my skin. I am happy with the results I’ve achieved; it has given me my dignity back. I’m grateful that I saw you at the exhibition, and now I want to buy another Palm for my friend’s birthday. She needs one too, and I hope she gets the same results as I have.
Thank you, Aduro, for sharing my story.